Friday, December 8, 2023

Start your Blog in 2024 | Step-by-Step Blogging Guide for Beginners

Start your Blog in 2024 | Step-by-Step Blogging Guide for Beginners 

Generally, people believe that good content writing is an inborn trait. They think prolific writers are born and not made. And this is where we lose the battle, even before participating in it. Some creative writers might be god-gifted, but that doesn’t mean others cannot cultivate those writing skills to become a good content writer.

How to write blog from scratch. Woman typing writing on laptop

Think about the last skill you learned, whether it was learning music, playing the guitar, or ride a bike. Initially, you would have struggled to learn these skills, and at some stage, you might have thought of quitting. It is normal to have such negative feelings since we all have a different pace of learning new things. I also faced similar difficulty initially while learning anything new.

However, with rigorous practice and overdoing the same particular thing, I overcome my fear of what the people would think of my work and experienced a boost in my confidence to write further.

Now coming to the blog writing, whether you are a beginner or proficient writer, you must have struggled with the issue of writer’s block. I also used to stuck while writing. It happens with every writer; however, following various strategies to overcome writer’s block, a writer can proceed effectively.

Content writing tips for beginners. Image displays a typewriter and other writing essentials lying on a table

Here, we won’t be exploring the professional writing skills; we will just look at the simple content writing process for beginners. You might be stuck in your first writing gig, but these tips will help you if you keep practicing them.

As we step into 2024, the process of launching a blog has become more streamlined, offering beginners a straightforward path to establish their online presence. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you embark on your blogging journey: 

Content Writing Guide for Beginners in 2024

1. Know Your Audience

Before starting to write your article, you must ask yourself what your readers would love to read? Would you be resolving their queries?

Know your Audience Before Writing a Blog

No one would want to read the content that you are inclined to write. So you have to explore the reader’s interest to get them to read your stuff.

For effective content writing, you must also be familiar with the issue that your audience is looking to resolve through your content. Knowing your target audience will help you in developing the blog structure, and you will be able to use suitable language accordingly.

2. Research Your Topic

After you got an idea what your audience is looking for, the next step is to do thorough research on that topic. 

So there are two parts of research here, one is the keyword research, and the other is the content research.

Keywords are the common queries that your readers type in the browser when they look for some information on the internet. Curating a keyword list before writing is necessary because SEO is a must for a content writer, else you will be left behind. You can use the keyword tool to help you in the process.

Research your topic before starting blog. The image displays research word written on a keyboard button

Your title must be compelling, so that your readers find it intriguing and relatable to their query. Do not forget to add your main keyword in the title.

Also, keep in mind that you should not focus too much on keywords instead of your topic content.

Content research would be looking into the ideas and thoughts what other writers have written on the same topic. However, you don’t have to rehash the work of other people. 

If you are fine with English, you can just gather the ideas from research and write in your own language. This way, you can maintain the originality for your content as well.

3. Write important information in the beginning

We all have written essays in school days, where we have to introduce the topic first, and gradually discuss it further.

Put main keywords in the title of blog.

But when you write for a blog or web page, always shoot your key information in the starting in a natural way. If your reader doesn’t get a gist of your blog in the beginning, then he or she won’t scroll further. So for this purpose, include main keywords in the blog title, and then in the opening paragraph.

4. Short and Simple Sentences

Blog writing or web content writing need not be complicated. Try to make it simple and readable for your audience. For this, you can use a bulleted list, short sentences and paragraphs to convey your message.

People tend to lose interest in reading your article if they find it hard to understand or read.

The clarity in content what makes your reader stick to your blog and lure them in reading till the end.

You can use the free writing tool INK which is AI enabled, to check various word elements to create a simple and effective blog both for search engines and readers.

5. Use Images, Infographics, videos

People love to read attractive blog posts enriched with images, infographics or videos. It makes the blog more engaging, and readers tend to spend more time on your blog. 

Your blog post can go with a useful infographic to generate more traffic if you insert the post link to your social media.

Steps to write a blog post
Source: VA Partners

Images keep the flow of blog on track, even if the content seems to dry in between. As per Hubspot, web articles or blog posts with relevant images receive 94% more views than articles with no or less relevant images.

There are many online websites, such as Unsplash or Pixabay, where you can get good quality free images for your blog.  

Embedding youtube videos in blogs are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Videos in blog post help the readers to absorb more information interactively.

6. Edit, Edit and Edit Again if Required

Even the prolific writers after a decade long of experience in writing, edit their write-ups multiple times before publishing it. 

There might be grammatical mistakes that you don’t want to miss.

You can use the Grammarly tool for editing and proofreading purpose. It red flags the grammar inconsistencies in your content and help you to improve your blog technically.

Edit your blog brutally.

You may want to finish your article quickly, and by doing so, you land up with many unnecessary words in your write-up. 

One simple tip to improve it is that after writing your first draft, you can take a break or sleep on it and come back again with a fresh perspective to edit or add something useful to your draft.

After all your editing rounds, do a proofread of your article before publishing it.

Check this video for blogging proofreading tips.

7. End with Influential Concluding note

Always include a powerful conclusion note to leave a strong impression on your readers. It will give them an idea of what to expect next or key takeaways of your entire blog post. It must also include a call to action element, where you can ask them to share your content with others.

By following these steps, you can confidently embark on your blogging journey in 2024. Remember, building a successful blog takes time and dedication, so stay committed to producing quality content and engaging with your audience. Happy blogging!

Start your Blog in 2024 | Step-by-Step Blogging Guide for Beginners

Start your Blog in 2024 | Step-by-Step Blogging Guide for Beginners  Generally, people believe that good content writing is an in...